Pursuant to articles 13 and 14, GDPR and article 122 D. Lgs. 196/2003


1. Data Controller

Lincotek Group S.p.A.

Address of its Registered office and administrative headquarters: Via Mistrali 7. 43046 Rubbiano di Solignano Parma (Province of Parma – Italy)
Phone: +39 0525-305808
Certified e-mail address:
VAT number, Tax Code and ITVAT: IT 02657910341
Economic Administrative Index No. PR  256485
Authorised Share Capital 376,361.00 and Paid-up Share Capital 356,000.00

Business sector and activities:

Financial Holding Company. Activities of the affiliated companies: providing special services in niche markets such as gas turbines for power generation aviation and medical devices.


2. Data Protection Officer (DPO)

DataConSec S.r.l  – Referent: Domenico Carnicella
Viale Fratti 56, 43121, Parma


3. Mission

We use cookies and other similar tracking tools, hereafter only cookies, to provide a better browsing experience to our users. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the device used by the user during navigation. Our Cookie Policy aims to clearly and transparently describe the types of cookies used, regarding the processing of personal data of users who consult it and who use the services offered.

Cookies help us:

  • make the web page work as it should;
  • increase the web site speed and security;
  • continuously improve our website;
  • give the opportunity to express interest and/or share a content;
  • offer promotional messages tailored to the user’s personal preferences.


4. Principles

Uno dei nostri obiettivi fondamentali è la protezione dei dati personali. I dati sono trattati in modo lecito, corretto e trasparente, devono essere adeguati, esatti, pertinenti e limitati a quanto necessario, raccolti per finalità determinate, esplicite e legittime ai sensi degli Artt. 5 e 6 del GDPR e a seguito del conferimento di consenso ove previsto. I dati sono trattati in maniera da garantire agli stessi un’adeguata sicurezza, compresa la protezione, mediante misure tecniche e organizzative adeguate, da trattamenti non autorizzati o illeciti e dalla perdita, dalla distruzione o dal danno accidentale (integrità e riservatezza). Informiamo in caso di modifiche sostanziali alla presente Informativa Privacy e al relativo trattamento dei dati, lasciando libera la decisione di autorizzarci o meno al trattamento dei dati per le finalità sotto riportate.

One of our main goals is to protect personal data. Personal data are processed lawfully, correctly and transparently, and they shall be adequate, relevant and limited to the minimum necessary and, where necessary, collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes pursuant to Articles 5 and 6 of the GDPR and following the provision of consent where required. Personal Data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, by taking suitable technical and organisational measures.

In case of substantial changes to this Cookie Policy and to the related data processing, the User shall be informed and shall have the right to decide whether to continue to use our services.

5.  Sources of Personal Data

Personal Data collected from the Data Subject:

  • Web pages and/or Social Media Profiles of the Data Controller.

Personal Data NOT collected from the Data Subject:

  • Public databases (International Public IP addresses etc.);
  • Internet / Search engines / Social Networks.

6.  Categories of Data Subjects

Users: legal persons and other professionals, including the personal data of the workers and persons treated as such, corporate representatives, shareholders of the companies that are already customers of ours or potential ones.

Categories and personal data processed

Common Personal Data: Browsing data and information about preferences and interests, such as information entered or selected by the User to send the contact request/sales quote request through the dedicated website page (Personally identifiable information, contact details, given consent, IP address, date and time, etc.), the name of the company (potential customer or customer) address and phone number after having finished browsing through a third-party cookie that collects and stores the Users’ IP address (we do not know this information), type of navigation device, if fixed or mobile, to adjusts how content on a page is displayed according to the dimensions of the device’s screen (Responsive web design), information about browsing preferences in unidentified and aggregated form.


8. Categories of Cookie

Tecnichal Cookies: for the correct functioning of the website and to retrieve information more easily, simplifying the connection and data transmission between users and web page, in particular:

  • Session cookies: allow users to be recognized within a website so any page changes or item or data selection you do is remembered from page to page, which brings faster navigation or to prevent the user from returning to the homepage when a request has already been sent or in private browsing mode.
  • Functional cookies: to store the preferences set by the user when browsing and to facilitate the use of certain services such as, for example, setting the language or viewing a video.
  • Analytics cookies: web services provided by a Third Party, used to provide the user with a better browsing experience. Analytics cookies do not collect Personally Identifiable Information, as the collected data are in aggregated and unidentified form and the information provided refers to the total of the activities carried out. The collected data enable us to understand our website users’ behaviour, the number of links on a website, the most visited web pages, the average visit duration, etc., thus resulting in a significant improvement in website content and layout. We use the IP anonymisation feature for our website visitors’ addresses so that these latter cannot be identified by Third Parties. This process of anonymising data takes place when data are transmitted to the systems of the Third Party, hence data collection and subsequent processing occurs without the full IP address being written down. In addition to that, we have added a new feature to block data sharing with Third Parties as well as with their partners. Therefore, considering that the processing of data both by us and by the Third Party is totally aggregated and unidentified, it is not necessary to request specific consent.

Third Parties Cookie: to provide the user with a better browsing experience and specifically:

  • Social Cookies: to offer a more personalized browsing experience; they allow to interact with Social Networks and/or other platforms, share content or prove your interest using the Like button. The above buttons, boxes and news can be found on our website, but the content they contain comes directly from the related social networks and the publication of users’ preferences or comments is subject to user profile access and subsequent authorization. Any interactions and information collected by us are subject to the privacy settings of the user profile for each social network.


9. Purpose of data processing, lawfulness of processing, nature of the provision, duration of the processing and data retention period



Statistics: Purposes of statistics and research, in aggregated and unidentified form, relating to the web navigation by the User, through Third-Party technical Cookies.


·        “Google Analytics”: to monitor how users interact and to store statistical information about users’ navigation, in aggregated and unidentified form.

·        “Google Tag Manager”: to create or update tags, t.i. snippets of code on a website, to simplify the management of a marketing campaign and to store additional statistical information about the browsing process:

  • Legitimate interest.
  • Nature of provision of the personal data: necessary.




  • 12 months.
Expression of interest and sharing of one of our contents: purposes connected with expression of interest and/or sharing of one of our contents and/or viewing a video via Third-Party Social Cookies.

·        “YouTube”: allows you to view a video.

  • Consent (optional and revocable at any time) through Consent Banners.
  • Nature of provision of the personal data: optional and not necessary for navigation that will be available in all its features.
Some cookies remain active until the browser is closed or after logging out. Other cookies do not expire after closing browser and remain available for any subsequent visits by the same User. These cookies are known as persistent cookies and their lifespan is set by the server of the visited page when they are created. Sometimes they have an expiration date and sometimes their lifespan is unlimited. For our part, we use persistent cookies, except for some information that we store for technical purposes only.  Please also note that, in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Supervisory Authority regarding the storage of personal data for profiling purposes, profiling cookies should be stored on the user’s device for a period not exceeding 12 months. In those cases, in which we cannot set cookies expiry date as these settings are managed by Third Parties, we will request a new consent to the use of such cookies after 12 months. In any case, the dedicated tool stores cookie consents for a period of 12 months. For this reason, on the expiry of that period the user will get the banner again through which the user shall give his/her consent to the use of cookies again. If the user clears browsing history and related cookies, the banner for a new consent to the use of cookies will show again on first login. But in any case, it is always possible to modify the already set choices at any time by following the instructions in the section “Consent Statement”.

10. Data Recipients

Data may be processed by Third Parties that own the cookies used by us. Personally Identifiable Information together with expressions of interest and preferences are only available to Third Parties. Any profiling, conducted also by matching other information at their disposal and by adding other information, based on the analysis and processing of information relating to customs, habits, tastes, preferences, interests etc., also through automated processes, aimed at obtaining specific profiles, is carried out by Third Parties only. These are identifiable by means of the Cookies we use that are described in detail in the above section.


11. Parties authorized to process the personal data

Personal data may be processed by employees and collaborators in their functions, including the sales network and any other persons providing specific web services, that are responsible for the fulfilment of the above mentioned purposes and that have been expressly authorised to process the personal data after having been informed and appropriately trained and after having received adequate operative instructions.


12. Transfer of personal data to NON-EU Countries

We transfer no data directly abroad. Personal data may be transferred to countries outside the EEA through Third-Party Cookies that we use.  For more information, please refer to the links made available by us in the above section “Purposes of Data Processing”. A copy of your personal data may be obtained by following the instructions provided in the following section.


13. Rights of Data Subjects and lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority

By writing an e-mail to, Data subjects may exercise their rights pursuant to articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR and, in particular:

  • To obtain the access to personal data;
  • To obtain the rectification of inaccurate and incomplete personal data;
  • To obtain the definitive erasion of personal data in accordance with article 17, GDPR;
  • To obtain the restriction of processing in accordance with article 18, GDPR;
  • To receive personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided;
  • Not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects;
  • To object, at any time, to processing of personal data, and to obtain subsequent data anonymization;
  • To withdraw consent at any time for marketing purposes through the consent banner and by following the procedures set out below in the specific section “Consent Statement”.

Data subjects shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority of the Member State in which they are habitually resident or work or of the place where the alleged violation took place.

14. Consent Statement

I declare that I have read and understood the above Cookie Policy, I am aware my consent is purely optional and may be revoked at any moment. We do not install any cookies until your consent is given.

On first login a banner with the link to this Cookie Policy and the request for consent to use cookies will pop up. For more information about the Banner:

The banner will not be repeated for at least 6 months from the event or less of consent, if they do not significantly change one or more conditions of processing or in case of cancellation of the browsing history and related cookies.

Acquisition of Consent:

Consent can be given by clicking on “ALLOW ALL” button on the banner.

If you want to give consent to some types of cookies only, simply click on the “SHOW DETAILS” link. The banner expands and shows a detailed list of all cookies used, divided by categories according to the various purposes. You can select or deselect the flag next to the category of cookies you want to confirm or block.

Modification of Consent:

You can change the previously expressed consent through the banner by clicking on the “Cookie settings” link shown in the footer of each page or by clicking on the icon on the bottom left.

To change your consent to one or more cookies you must deselect the flag near that cookie/those cookies and confirm your choice.

To disable cookies:

The technological solution in use allows you to refuse consent to the use of third-party cookies in whole or in part:

  • by closing the banner by clicking on the “X” button at the top right of the banner, it will be possible to totally deny consent to the use of unnecessary cookies by Third Parties;
  • by clicking on “ACCEPT ONLY NECESSARY COOKIES” button.

You will still be able to browse the web without any problem.

Below are the links explaining how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers (for other browsers that may be used, we suggest looking for this option in the help desk software).